In this special year marking SETYM International's 35th anniversary, we decided to commemorate the occasion with a contest dedicated to our amazing clients. It's our way of expressing gratitude to those who joined us in celebrating this significant milestone.
The contest provided the chance to win one of the five (5) free admissions to an international seminar in 2024, including airfare and accommodation. This unique opportunity reflects our commitment to promoting continuous learning and enhancing the professional journeys of our community.
The draw was overseen by Mr .Ismaël Coulibaly, a lawyer at the Barreau du Québec and an associate at BENOÎT & CÔTÉ INC., an independent law firm. A list containing anonymous participant IDs was provided to ensure a fair and impartial prize allocation process.
We are thrilled to announce the names of the winners:
M. André Benjamin RENE, Directeur des Affaires Administratives et du Budget, Conseil Supérieur du Pouvoir Judiciaire (CSPJ), Haïti
M. Alpha Issiaga CAMARA, Spécialiste Passation des Marchés, Unité de Coordination et d'Exécution des Projets (UCEP), Guinée
M. Christian MUHINDO KABUYAYA, Chef de Division Chargé de Préparation et Suivi du Budget Programme, Ministère des Finances, République Démocratique du Congo
M. Allou Koffi Charles B. AKA, Coordonnateur Principal Projets, CÔTE D'IVOIRE ENERGIES (CI-ENERGIES), Côte d'Ivoire
Mr. Winstone MPINDU, Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation Ltd. (ZESCO), Zambia
These fortunate winners will get the chance to experience once again an enriching experience designed to tackle the challenges of the ever-evolving professional landscape, all while benefiting from the expertise and know-how of SETYM International's experts.
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated and to all Setymians from the past 35 years. Your passion and dedication to continually enhancing your skills are a true inspiration and the driving force behind our mission.
During the past 35 years, we've been dedicated to providing the highest quality training seminars. By celebrating this anniversary, we renew our commitment to enriching the skills and knowledge of our extensive international family with the hospitality and friendliness for which we are known.
For more information on our programs or to register for a seminar, we invite you to visit the Find a Seminar page.