
Results-Based Management of the Criminal Justice: from Theory to Practice

A results-based management framework (RBM) putting the public interest at the centre of the actions of the judicial administration and focusing on transparency and accountability with the aim of increasing citizens’ confidence. How can this method be implemented in the administration of criminal justice? Is there a conflict with the independence of the institution and a greater accountability of justice administrations?

Register for Next Training Session

September 8 to September 19, 2025
Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
10 days
US$ 5 700

Practical Objectives

Understand the principles and processes of results-based management (RBM) from the perspective of judicial institutions

Determine the impacts of implementing RBM on the work environment.

Develop key RBM documents such as the declaration of services to citizens, the strategic plan and the action plans.

Measure results and report back.

Training Seminar Topics

RBM Principles

Policies and Programmes. RBM cycle. Independence of the judiciary and professional autonomy.

RBM implementation and management challenges

Management and leadership. Transparency and accountability. Change management. Commitment and courage in management.

Implementing the elements of RBM

Master your professional environment. Identifying the issues. Declaration of services to citizens, strategic plan, action plan. Determine targets and performance indicators.

Performance evaluation

Principle of evaluations based on stated expectations, self-evaluation of executives, individual performance meetings with magistrates and other functions with judicial independence and professional autonomy.


Framework for monitoring results. Data reliability and certification. Management dashboard, Annual report and communication of the results.