
Public Procurement Audit and Control

Procurement system reform is characterised in particular by the creation of an independent Public Procurement Oversight Authority (PPOA) and National Tender Board (NTB). Their primary mission is to ensure that contracts are awarded in accordance with legal and regulatory provisions currently in place. The seminar in “Public Procurement Audit and Control” focuses on the identification of common errors, on the development of a control checklist designed to prevent those errors and to prevent rejection of bids by the NTB or cancellation by PPOA.

Register for Next Training Session

September 29 to October 10, 2025
Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
10 days
US$ 5 700
Kuala Lumpur
December 1 to December 12, 2025
Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
10 days
US$ 5 700

Practical Objectives

Understand where problems arise in the procurement process and the impact of said problems.

Establish a procurement monitoring checklist that covers critical points in the cycle of goods, works and services procurement and contract management.

Increase effectiveness and efficiency in the interlocking areas of procurement and contract management.

Training Seminar Topics

Introduction to Control

Typology of the most common problems by nature, by importance, by legal consequences. Establishment of a systematic checklist to ensure the correctness of the overall procurement process, among which:

Procurement Plan

Allotment, choice of methods, consistent steps in the procurement plan.

Procurement of Goods and Works

Technical Specifications. Relationship between bid price and the balancing of borrower/bidder responsibilities and risk. Choice of Incoterms, costs not mentioned in the BOQ, firm or adjustable rates, validity of offers and prices, arbitration mode and price, evaluation of multiple lots, guarantees (bid, performance, completion), insurance. Criteria for bid evaluation. Bid reception, bid opening, bid evaluation, requests for clarification sent to bidders. Testing, inspection and acceptance, planning and deliverables rescheduling, monthly and final statements, documents required after execution, partial provisional and final acceptance of the work, etc.

Procurement of Consulting Services

TORs, shortlisting, conflict of interest, eligibility, consultants association, full or simplified technical proposal, type of contract, payment terms. Evaluating technical and financial proposals. Consultant contract management: preparing to receive the consultant, supervising the mission, replacement of key personnel, contract amendments, statements and penalties.