
Procurement of Goods and Services: Best Practices

Procurement is a core activity in implementing development projects funded by governments and international agencies. In order to implement projects, the PMUs, ministries or agencies usually require consultants’ services, goods or computers, medical supplies, teaching supplies, furniture, machinery, etc. This training seminar presents public procurement best practices that will show participants how to avoid budget overruns, unforeseen delays, poor disbursement rates, and legal actions.

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Practical Objectives

Inform stakeholders about the new direction and the new World Bank public Procurement Framework.

Develop a global understanding of the Procurement guidelines of the World Bank and of other agencies.

Understand the guidelines, norms, processes and principles associated with procurement of goods and consultants.

Define and plan every step of the process and activities of a tender and a request for proposal.

Training Seminar Topics

Procurement Context

Importance of procurement in managing the project cycle. The new World Bank procurement guidelines. Guiding principles: value for money decision-making, effectiveness, integrity and sustainability. Learn to prepare a Project Procurement Strategy for Development (PPSD), in order to identify the right procurement approach taking into account project needs, market, risks and other influencing factors (Summarized in PAD). New procurement methods (competitive dialogue, negotiation, best and final offer, strategic supplier engagement, etc.). National systems. Regulatory agencies.

Procurement of Goods

Specific Procurement Notice and UNDB, instructions to bidders, bid data sheet, general conditions of contract, special conditions of contract, pre-qualification, standard forms.

Selection of Consultants

Terms of Reference, short-list, letters of invitation, request for proposal, technical proposal, financial proposal, World Bank standard consultant contracts. Specific categories of consultants.

Bid Opening, Evaluation and Negotiation

Opening and evaluation committees, qualification and evaluation criteria, report and evaluation form. Simulation of a bid opening and evaluation session. Negotiation processes. Practical workshop and simulation. FIDIC Contracts. Legal claims and actions.

Planning and Monitoring the Procurement Process

Donor no-objections, evaluation and contract award. Planning the procurement routine. Procurement plan. Disbursement procedures, special account, progress reports, final evaluation.

Public Procurement Control System

Means of control and assessment: transparency, accountability, administrative efficiency and competition. Illicit procurement practices, early indicators of misprocurement. Disputes, arbitration, lawsuits.