
Environmental and Social Impact Management

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) and Resettlement Action Plans (RAP) are key tools of sustainable development. They take all the social, economical and environmental factors into consideration, focusing on the most critical ones. Not only does this seminar present the different phases, tools and steps of the ESIA but it also deals with practical cases. It also covers the best practices, tools and approaches to prepare and evaluate resettlement documents required by the development partners. Participants will join case studies in Morocco that integrate the main social and environmental problems that can be observed in developing and emerging countries.

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Practical Objectives

Understand the principles, procedures and methods of environmental and social assessment for projects or programmes.

Acquire the necessary skills to draft terms of reference (TOR) for an environmental impact assessment study and a resettlement action plan.

Assess the quality of environmental and resettlement documents prepared by consultants.

Perform environmental and social monitoring during projects’ implementation phase.

Training Seminar Topics

Safeguard Policies of Development Partners

Description of the World Bank’s and other multilateral agencies’ environmental and social policies. Implementation of these policies in projects and programmes.

Environmental and Resettlement Documents

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) (for a sector or a region). Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Environmental Audit and Inspection. Differences between Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) and Plan (ESMP), between Resettlement Action Plan and the Resettlement Policy Framework.

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)

Standard content of an ESIA. Drafting the terms of reference and carrying out the ESIA. Effective public consultation and information disclosure.

Resettlement Documents

Restriction of access to resources. TORs for a RAP. Land acquisition needs, aerial and satellite images. Identification of the project affected persons (PAPs): PAPs and their properties. Data analysis. Identification and preparation of resettlement sites. Preparation of the resettlement action plan.

Monitoring the ESMP and RAP Preparation and Implementation

Integration and monitoring of ESMP and RAP requirements during the implementation phase. Environmental and social indicators. Data collection, instrumentation and sampling. Roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders during the implementation phase.