Formation en Code de bonne conduite et techniques d'andragogie et de formation des adultes - Photo officielle

Central Bank of the Congo

In 2016, Africa, Management and Organisation by llebrun

Training for Trainers: the Code of Conduct and Adult Education Techniques

Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Customer: Central Bank of the Congo
Date: August 22 to 26, 2016
Overall Satisfaction: 98%

Services rendus
Description of actual services provided
Five-day training session for twenty-seven (27) agents and managers working for the Central Bank of Congo (BCC), focusing on application of the BCC’s Code of Conduct, relative to the establishment of a fraud prevention system.

Objectifs spécifiques
Specific objectives

▪ Develop participants’ abilities to prepare and implement training plans.▪ Learn methodologies and techniques for leading, evaluating, and monitoring training.

 Participants’ comments on the services provided
Participants’ comments on the services provided
“As I work for the Training Department, I can state with certainty that this training is crucial to the performance of my duties.” “This new knowledge will enable us to properly train adults on the Central Bank of Congo’s Code of Conduct.” “As part of my duties, this training will help me reduce human risk, which can pose a threat to the company.”