Côte d’Ivoire Energies (Ci-ENERGIES)

In 2021, 2021, Customized and On-Site seminar, International by Valérie Beaudoin-Loyer

Contract management for works contracts

Country: Ivory Coast - Abidjan
Date: September 20 to to October 1, 2021
Overall Satisfaction: 89%

Services rendus
Description of actual services provided:
Training of 10 days for eighteen (18) directors, executives and agents working within CÔTE D'IVOIRE ENERGIES (CI-ENERGIES) benefited from this training.

Specific objectives: Identify key issues related to the resettlement of project-affected people. Develop TORs to properly frame the project's resettlement needs. Evaluate the quality of resettlement documents prepared by consultants. Master best practices for monitoring resettlement implementation.
Specific objectives

- Plan to manage the contract and disbursements effectively and efficiently.- Utilize planning and tracking software packages. Monitor execution of the contract and disbursement management plan.- Plan the steps and activities of the tender process for the acquisition of work.- Evaluate contract outputs/outcomes in terms of benefits and value for money based on the contract management plan.

Participants’ comments on the services provided
"As a contract administrator, this training is critical to me, as this position is new to CI-ENERGIES." Very relevant topic. Interactive training. The trainer showed his intrinsic qualities and his management skills. In summary: well done, well explained, well organized training." "Very good trainer who masters his subject. He is a practitioner of procurement and contract management."