Mrs. Marie-Douce Primeau (Ph.D, PMP), Consultant at SETYM International, delivered a training seminar at Toliara (Atsimo Andrefana Region, South West of the main island of Madagascar) in Results-Based Management, Performance Indicators, Monitoring and Evaluation System Implementation for the South-West Region Agricultural Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project (PRIASO).
SETYM International would like to thank all members of PRIASO for trusting us, as well as for the appreciation article in the official PRIASO website. To see the original article click here.
Pictures: © PRIASO Project, Ministry to the Presidency in charge of Agriculture and Livestock, Madagascar.
- Miss Harifenitra (DADFV MPAE)
- Training RBM PRIASO ceremony
- Training RBM PRIASO class
- Training RBM PRIASO class
- Training RBM PRIASO class
- Training RBM PRIASO class
- Training RBM PRIASO class
- Training RBM PRIASO class
- Training RBM PRIASO class
- Training RBM PRIASO ceremony
- Training RBM PRIASO official picture
- Training RBM PRIASO computer
- Mr. Ony (Elevage DRAE)
- Mr. Brice (SRAPV DRAE)
- Mr. Evenard (Elevage DRAE)
- Mme Fanja (SCRAOF DRAE)
- Mr. Justin (RSE CNA)
- Mr Marc Eugène (Elevage DRAE)
- Mrs. Felana (DPSE MPAE)
- Mr Rohy (DPDZM MPAE)
- Mr Patrick (DEEP MPAE)
- Mrs. Haja (RPM PEPBM)
- Mr. Claude (Compt PEPBM)
- Mr. Andry Rado (RSE PEPBM)
- Mr. Tovonera (CAP PEPBM)
- Mr. Myrel (COMM PRIASO)
- Mrs. Arinely (RSE PRIASO)
- Mrs. Julia R. (RAF PRIASO)
- Dr. EDALY (DRAE) – Mr. Pierrot A. (CAP PRIASO)
- Ms. Harifenitra (DADFV MPAE)