Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)

In 2023, Customized and On-Site seminar, International by Valérie Beaudoin-Loyer

Broadcasting of 2 Webinars/Workshop on Procurement

Country: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Customer: Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)
Date: May 16 to to July 27th, 2023
Overall Satisfaction:

Services rendus
Description of actual services provided:
Thirty (30) executives and officers from the procurement division of the Islamic Development Bank each benefited from these 2 workshops/webinars.

Specific objectives: Identify key issues related to the resettlement of project-affected people. Develop TORs to properly frame the project's resettlement needs. Evaluate the quality of resettlement documents prepared by consultants. Master best practices for monitoring resettlement implementation.
Specific objectives

✓ Explain the main policies and procedures changes and discuss the procurement strategy and procurement plan, the general procurement provisions and list the main steps of the International Competitive Bidding (ICB method) and also the other methods for goods/works/non-consulting services.✓ List the main principles defining consultants and consulting services, distinguish between Goods, Works, and Services guidelines, define advance contracting and retroactive financing.✓ The purpose of QCBS, core principles and their manifestation in QCBS, main steps from advertising to contract award notices, explain other consultant selection methods.

Participants’ comments on the services provided